Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots

We can all thank LMFAO for that contribution to the zeitgeist but I'm actually talking about the other kind. On Thursday I got my yellow fever vaccine and boy was it a doozy. With all the vaccinations I've ever had in my life I've never had any side effects with the exception of soreness at the site of injection. Boy is that not the case with this one. All of Thursday and Friday I had that weird feeling along the length of my arm and the injection site was bright red. This didn't bother me too much as it was to be expected and the shot was given in the back of my right arm so it wasn't very visible. Additionally, I had a slight dizzy spell Thursday night but that could have easily been attributed to my lack of sleep the night before. Saturday night a ran a low fever (about 99.5 but I didn't measure it so...). Sunday, the lymph nodes in my arm swelled a little and were uncomfortable. Sunday night to Monday morning I ended up sleeping for about 14 hours and probably would have continued if I hadn't had class to get to. The few hours I spent awake on Monday were exhausting but not because of physical or mental exertion. I was just plain tired. I got home and basically went to bed. But when I woke up this morning I was feeling fine again. Hopefully the side effects are over and I won't have this kind of reaction when I get my Polio vaccination in a few weeks.


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